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Pregnancy and labour
Various homeopathic remedies can be very effective for all types
of situations arising during pregnancy. However, because each pregnancy
is highly individualized, and because homeopathic remedies can have
powerful effects on mother and child, we are happy to work closely
with you during pregnancy and, if possible, labour.
Milk supply: There are several remedies which are very useful for the promotion of milk supply in breastfeeding mothers, or for helping to dry up milk after weaning: - Urtica urens is very effective in BOTH increasing AND decreasing milk supply. This remedy can be taken 2-3 times daily until desired effect is achieved, at which time dosage should be stopped. - Lac caninum also has a reputation for increasing scanty milk supply. Mastitis: - Phytolacca for when breasts are swollen, hard and very sensitive. May be purple. When child nurses, pain goes from nipple all over the body. Cracked nipples. - Silica for sore, ulcerated nipples, blocked milk ducts, hard stony lumps in breasts. - Belladonna breasts are heavy, swollen, throbbing, hard and red.
Streaks radiate from nipples. May be fever also.
The physician's highest calling, his only calling, is
to make sick people healthy - to heal, as it is termed.